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Ha az oldal űrlapot is tartalmaz, annak mentése csak érvényes bejelentkezéssel lehetséges.
A bejelentkezés érvényességének meghosszabbításához kérjük lépjen be!
Felhasználó név:

A MBE legfrissebb hírei

Hírkategória: Általános
  • Figyelem!

    A megtekinteni kívánt tartalom archív.

    2024 ISMH 47th CONGRESS (Romania, Constanta, May the 23rd – 25th, 2024.)
    [2023.12.05.] - MBE - Hírkategória: Általános
    Kedves Kollégák,
    továbbítjuk az International Society of Medical Hydrology and Climatology (ISMH) hírlevelét.
    A levélben többek között a 2024 májusában Romániában tervezett ISMH kongresszusról is van információ.
    Az ISMH honlapján látható a konferencia közvetlen linkje: https://bioclima.ro/ismh2024.html
    Fontos tudni, hogy a Magyar Balneológiai Egyesület rendszeresen fizeti az egyesületi tagdíjat az ISMH-nak (collective membership).
    Emiatt a Magyar Balneológiai Egyesület (tagdíjat fizetett) tagjai részesülhetnek a kedvező regisztrációban.
    See You in Constanta :)


    Pr. Gelu ONOSE, Assoc.Prof. Olga SURDU, Assoc. Prof. Constantin MUNTEANU have been commissioned by the ISMH Executive Board to organize the ISMH 47th World Congress CONSTANTA (Romania), 2024 May 23-25


    The International Society of Medical Hydrology and Climatology 47th World Congress will be held in Romania, Techirghiol Balneal Resort, between May the 23rd – 25th, 2024.


    The participants are asked to announce up to December 15th 2023 their intention to participate at 47th ISMH Congress (email office@bioclima.ro showing author’s name and title of the paper).


    Abstracts submission deadline: 20th April 2024


    - natural therapeutic factors with products (natural mineral water, peloids/muds, gases)
    - mechanism of action of therapeutic factors;
    - methodology of investigation;
    - actual medical benefit in musculoskeletal, dermatological diseases, metabolic conditions, ageing, neurologic conditions, respiratory diseases, cardio-vascular conditions, post-cancer, stress related disorders, etc.);
    - therapeutic use of natural elements (thalassotherapy, hydrotherapy/balneotherapy, halotherapy, drinking mineral waters, …);
    - balneology for post-COVID conditions;
    - rehabilitation using natural therapeutic factors including rehabilitation in burns;
    - balneotherapy in children;
    - balneology and climate changes;
    - economy, management, ...


    Arrival: Fly to Bucharest Henri Coanda International Airport or fly to Constanta Mihail Kogalniceanu International Airport.


    Transfer from Bucharest airport to Techirghiol:
    - by train – from airport to Bucharest North Railway station, continuing to Constanta Railway Station and Techirghiol (4 hrs) (10- 25 €) (recommended);
    - Renting a car (a lot of possibilities);
    - by bus - airport – Techirghiol (4-5 hrs);
    - by minibus – Airport – Techirghiol - at participants` request;


    Transfer from Constanta airport to Techirghiol: by minibus at participants` request;


    Venue/Congress location: 
    Techirghiol Sanatorium Conference Room (scientific and E-poster sessions).
    Accommodation in hotels and villa in Techirghiol.


    ISMH Congress participation fee for members:
    Early registration up to February 15th-125 €
    February 16th – May 20th 200 €
    May 20th up to the end of congress – 250 €


    ISMH Congress participation fee for non- members
    Early registration up to February 15th - 200 €
    February 16th – May 20th 275 €
    May 20th up to the end of congress – 325 €


    More details: https://bioclima.ro/ismh2024.html


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